Boosting digital governance in NSW development


The NSW Government accepts Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the Regional Development Advisory Council (RDAC). They encourage community members with expertise in regional economics, local government, and climate resilience to apply. The Minns Labour Government dedicates itself to aligning government funding with the unique needs of regional communities, fostering meaningful progress in regional development.

The RDAC offers impartial, specialised guidance to the Minister for Regional NSW regarding investments managed by the $400 million Regional Development Trust Fund. Tara Moriarty, the Minister for Regional NSW, stated, “The Regional Development Advisory Council plays a key role in providing independent and expert advice to support decision making on those investments.”  The Council guides projects to rely on evidence and target the communities they aim to benefit, requiring Aboriginal representation to drive economic development in Aboriginal communities.

The interim council has demonstrated considerable influence by managing $35 million in investments for regional projects, including food and beverage enterprises, improvements to remote airstrips, and workforce development in Western NSW. Minister Moriarty praised the interim members for their contributions, saying, “They’ve provided valuable advice in determining the first $35 million worth of investments.” The interim council provides guidance on the renewal of the Regional Development Act, which currently undergoes parliamentary review.

RDAC actively contributes to the NSW Government’s mission to enhance digital government capabilities throughout the public sector, particularly in regional areas. The Council assesses community needs and actively advances digital infrastructure and services to improve public sector efficiency and accessibility. Focused investments in essential technologies and infrastructure enhancements drive the digital evolution of government services, improving connectivity and service provision in underserved regions.

The new Advisory Council will accept submissions starting 11 September 2024 and will conclude on 9 October 2024. The council comprises a maximum of seven members, each appointed for a three-year term, selected for their expertise in relevant areas. Talented individuals have the opportunity to influence the future of regional NSW, aligning with the government’s strategic objectives to nurture strong and thriving regional communities.

The NSW Government actively prioritises regional communities in decision-making, driving regional development through thoughtful, inclusive, and strategic advisory contributions.