How does the Australian digital government work?


Digital transformation is revolutionising how the government works. It paved way for a lot of changes in terms of function and service and both the public and the people working for the government see it as far-reaching and positive. 

The Australian Government last year released Australia’s Tech Future — a guideline that contains information on how the country can work together toward a strong, safe, and inclusive economy, enabled by digital technology.  

Through this, a clear understanding of the opportunities of the digital economy presents and what the Government is doing to ensure that Australia is digitally ready for the future. It specifies how the digital economy can impact people, groups, and industry sectors. 

At present, the government release three main priorities that served as a guide for its digital transformation and these are the following:  

  • Government thats easy to deal with 
  • Government thats driven by you 
  • Government thats fit for the digital age 

 What is being done so far? 

 Since embarking in the digital transformation, the government is able to make most of its service available online 24/7. Present data by the government — including public information — is also being shared and used by various functions for other services so that when information is needed, the process of fling will be simpler and faster.  

The government is also investing heavily in providing the public with digital identity through myGov.  

myGov is a safe and secure way to access government services online with only one login and one password. You can link most government services through a myGov account and notices from the government can also be safely stored in it. Also, one person’s information can easily be updated through the portal.  

Alex, the Australian government’s virtual assistant is helping a lot in term of answering queries, decreasing phone calls by about 50%. 

The government also launched the Digital Marketplace. A portal for businesses to connect with government agencies for digital services and needs.  

In addition to that, the government also has — a secure cloud platform for government agencies. It helps various agencies in terms of hosting website applications, making it easier for them to build digital services quickly. 

 The government today is working to reach its vision that by 2025, Australia will have a world-leading digital services for the benefit of its people.