RANZCR launches world leading standards for the use of AI in healthcare


The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) has reinforced Australia and New Zealand at the forefront of the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare with the release of world-leading AI Standards of Practice.

The Standards provide a risk-management framework to ensure the safe application of AI in radiology practice. AI can help clinicians to better diagnose illness, coordinate treatment plans and increase the efficiency of care delivery across healthcare. Overall, they will allow for a more efficient and accessible healthcare system that delivers improved outcomes for patients.

“These world-leading standards guide the development, deployment and monitoring of AI and machine learning in private and public health settings,” RANZCR President, Dr Lance Lawler said.

“Clinical radiology and radiation oncology have always been early adopters of new technology and AI is no exception. RANZCR is extremely proud to equip our members to be at the forefront of the next frontier in medicine.
“The Standards build on our ethical principles and provide doctors, AI developers and healthcare organisations with clear guidelines to deploy machine learning systems and AI tools ensuring patient safety,” Dr. Lance said.

The launch of these landmark standards follows the release of the Ethical Principles for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine last year. The ethical principles outline the most appropriate use of AI and machine learning, including how both can successfully help drive even better patient care.

RANZCR continues to be a thought leader in the AI space with ongoing profession-led implementation and workforce transition to support the effective use of AI in clinical practice.