Victorian carers given financial support through local grant program


Victorian carers are now being given financial support by the Andrews Labor Government as they take care of the country’s most vulnerable community members. 

The second round of the Supporting Carers Locally Grants Program was opened around the end of March this year. With over $572,000, the program increases support towards carer health and wellbeing. 

Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers Luke Donnellan said they were making it easier for carers to access the services needed to look after themselves. 

“We want carers in all parts of Victoria to be happy and healthy, with support in their community and the opportunity to connect with others – that’s why this funding is so vital.” said Minister Donnellan. 

Aside from this, grants of $20,000 to $40,000 are made available for local community organisations. This is to increase opportunities for carers to be physically and mentally healthy. It also boosts social connectivity for carers with family, friends, other carers and their local community. 

Parliamentary Secretary for Carers and Volunteers Anthony Carbines said “We know it’s hard to maintain your own physical and mental health when you’re dedicating so much or yourself caring for others – that’s why we are helping local organisations support our carers.” 

More than 736,000 carers across Victoria give their time and effort to look after a family member or friend who needs them. Unpaid carers even support people with different care needs, including those with chronic disease, mental illness, people with a disability, older people with care needs and those receiving end-of-life or palliative care.

The recent Mental Health Royal Commission final report identified the importance of supporting the mental health of carers as a key focus. Likewise, the final report of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System identified the importance of the role of carers and of involving and supporting them.

Giving carers the support they need is a key priority of the Labor Government through the Victorian Carer Strategy 2018-22 – the first whole-of-government strategy recognising carers.

The grants program is part of a nearly $50 million Government investment for extra respite, transport concessions and grants for local carer groups. 

Applications will close on Saturday, 24 April 2021 through the VIC Government website.