What it takes to be an EA -The invisible glue behind every executive !


Earlier this week the executive assistant world lost one of its voices, a long standing business & an educator -The EAN. The news was a shock for me and many others, A huge gap has been left in the market but lets not crumble, lets find a solution to stick together and allow all EAs to step into their true power and potential.

I love Executive Assistants, I was one for over decade and believe whole heartedly what they stand for and the true worth they bring to the business they partner with.

The EA function has transformed from a supporting role to more of a strategic one. Today’s executives lean on their EA not just for admin help (this is roughly 20% of the role in some cases) but for strategic counsel, technical expertise, and critical analysis. EAs are expected to dabble in things as wide and varied as project management, event planning, and internal communications. And let’s not sugarcoat it – executives can be demanding and as their support we need to be discreet and agile with our actions at all times!

The best EAs become trusted confidants and counsel for their execs and truly great EAs play chess, not checkers. We are always ten moves ahead, and anticipate issues before they become full blown problems. As an advocate for Executive Assistant’s I will continue to support, educate ,disrupt and shout very loud from the roof tops the importance of the Executive Assistant in todays world.

We must stand tall & connect like we know how to do best.There are EA communities and groups out there for you to join like Chief Wranglers, PA Group, Sassy Assistant, Tribe – find your fit and what works well for you.

You also be interest in a series of workshops I am hosting in March with Tory Archbold who has partnered with the worlds top performing brands. To understand the demands, you must understand the power you have to navigate them and deliver business solutions to your team.