Why building your community at work is vital to your career 


For many years, people have said “It’s not what you know but who you know”. While I think this doesn’t necessarily give the credit to the skills you have, the sentiment is correct. Networking and building a community at work is vital to one’s success due to the fact that public sector staff often move within departments throughout their career.

If you have built a great working relationship, your network can very possibly span across the country, opening up opportunities that may not have been on your radar. 

But before we dive deeper into this, I want to tell you about my career and how my networks helped shape the path I have taken. 

I started at Monash University 8 years ago as a Purchasing Officer in the University’s finance department. Since I have always liked building solid working relationships, this role was no different as I was supporting senior members of the University leadership.

I knew that I should be building relationships with everyone I came across, so I formed a few key relationships that altered how my career was formed. 

These key relationships helped me map out how I could go from being a Purchasing Officer to an Executive Assistant. One of my connections had even provided honest feedback on me needing more University experience and that a role in HR would really assist that.

So that’s what I did, I secured a role in the HR team supporting the HR Business Partners. This role was fantastic for me, I learnt a lot about supporting not only a team but also a wider client group.

Throughout this time in HR, I kept my relationships strong from my first role. When the EA role became available, I was able to land it because of my good reputation and the solid network that I had built.

That was 4 years ago. Since then, I have been promoted again and again since those involved knew exactly what I was capable of. 

The Power of Networks

In 2018, I started the Monash University EA Network after feeling isolated in my role as an Executive Assistant. The Network, which is now over 250 members, allowed me to connect with so many EA’s.

This helped us learn together and help shape how we grew as a group. I loved it so much that I created Higher Education Assistants to take this model to all EAs working in the sector.  

I view networks in two ways, small personal networks and larger role/company based networks. The small personal networks are your close confidants at work. They are the people that will tell you what they think you are doing great and what you need to improve on. They will also give you that push to go for that next promotion or pay raise.

The key part of this small personal network is that they need to be honest with you. You don’t need ‘yes’ friends. 

The larger networks are more self-explanatory. They operate with members having a core similar purpose. However, they can help you increase capability for the company and improve staff morale. If you feel like your role or workplace is in need of a network, just jump and start one! 

The Role of Vulnerability 

When starting out on your networking journey remember, vulnerability is key. You need to be honest and real when building connections, as hiding your true self can be too exhausting.

If you are fighting against your vulnerability, you are going to struggle to make real connections. It takes courage to be vulnerable in your everyday life but it takes even more courage to be vulnerable at work. 

One of my favourite quotes from Brene Brown is “imperfections are not inadequacies; they are reminders that we’re all in this together” so get out there and don’t be afraid to tell someone you don’t know the answer, or that you need help on a task. 

Finding your Next Mentor

We can’t discuss building a community at work without looking at the key role of mentors.

Mentors play a vital part in our work community. They should be someone that is not within your immediate team but can help push you to the next level of your work. You want someone who is open and can provide you with honest feedback.

When you’re looking for a mentor, some of my key tips are: 

  • Take a risk and ask someone you wouldn’t normally have the courage to ask. The worst-case scenario is they say no, and you are in the same position as when you started. 
  • Once your mentor accepts the role, set a regular time to meet and plan out your meeting. 
  • Be curious and ask questions that require deep answers. Allow them to push your thinking. 
  • Know exactly what you want out of the relationship. What can they help you with, and if possible, what can you also help them with? It should be a two-way street. 
  • Be honest and respect each other. The relationship is based on trust and respect. Don’t be afraid to ask tough questions.  
  • Ask for direct feedback but be prepared for honest feedback. Take it in, think about it and process it. It is all about learning. 

Your community should support you throughout your career. In return, you should be offering the same support to them. You must put out as much energy as you wish to receive in return, but do it out of kindness and not because you want something. 

Building your community at work can be life-altering. Start small, if you don’t have a small group of friends at work who can give you honest and unbiased feedback, find some. Open up and in turn, they will also open up. Ask questions you may not like the answer to. Be open to honest feedback from genuine sources. 

Best of luck in your networking journey. Be open, be honest, and watch how your career can grow.