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Eliza Sayon contributor

Ralph Nickl has more than 25 years of experience working with startups to deliver business solutions, software products and consulting services to enterprise, law firm and government clients. With earlier roles spanning technical architect, strategic consultant, and senior sales executive for companies like Accenture and First Advantage, Ralph has directly supported litigations, investigations, and eDiscovery implementations. As a serial entrepreneur, prior to launching CanopyCo, Ralph co-founded Global Colleague, a boutique eDiscovery and document review company. During this phase of his career, Ralph advised government entities, service providers, and software manufacturers on the application of eDiscovery technology to support litigation, investigations, and public records responses. Ralph’s experience in using technology to find personally identifiable information (PII) and protected health information (PHI) exemptions under these public record laws made post-data breach response for GDPR, HIPAA, FERPA, and similar laws an obvious choice for Canopy’s flagship product.

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