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Andrew Podger was a career public servant before joining ANU. He worked in a number of Australian Government agencies including ABS, PM&C, Finance, Defence, Administrative Services, Housing and Regional Development and Health. He was head of the last three departments before being appointed Public Service Commissioner from January 2002. He retired from the Australian Public Service in 2005. Since then he has had various roles at the Australian National University, and is currently Honorary Professor of Public Policy. His interests include social policy (including social security, superannuation and health financing) and public administration (including financial and HR management, and the relationship between politics and administration). He is a principal of the Greater China Australia Dialogue on Public Administration and regularly visits a number of Chinese universities. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, a Fellow of the (US) national Academy of Public Administration, a National Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration Australia and a Fellow of the Australia and New Zealand School of Government.

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