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Australia enhances SME cyber resilience

Australia has placed a strong emphasis on safeguarding small businesses and critical infrastructure in the face of increasing cyber threats. This strategic approach, with a

Westpac halts regional closures amid inquiry

Westpac has sought to pre-empt the recommendations of the Senate enquiry into bank closures in regional Australia by announcing a moratorium on regional branch closures

Revived laptops boosts student success

Kingston is very proud to have again partnered with a local charity. This is IT to donate almost 200 end-of-life laptops to local secondary students

Australia revolutionises data management challenges

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Australian businesses are facing increasingly complex issues surrounding data management and security. It is key to tackle these challenges

RIMPA Global forum sparks dialogue: Urgent reforms needed in APS records management

In today’s digital age, where data is generated at an unprecedented rate, the management of information has become a critical challenge for governments worldwide. In

Australia advances AI regulation

The Australian Government has recently released an interim response to the consultation on safe and responsible artificial intelligence (AI), marking a significant development in this

Music festival faces data breach chaos

A music festival in turmoil has experienced a data breach that has affected numerous ticketholders, following the unexpected removal of several prominent acts from the

Supermarkets battle shoplifting with tech

An Australian supermarket has made the decision to permanently remove self-serve checkouts, citing a rather unfortunate circumstance. Exploring the cutting-edge strategies supermarkets employ to combat