Local Government

APS opens new academy for its workforce

< 1 min read
APS opens new academy for its workforce

The Australian Public Service Commission has officially opened the Australian Public Service Academy, providing a new approach to APS-wide learning and development. 

Assistant Minister to the Minister for the Public Service Ben Morton opened the Australian Public Service Academy yesterday in the Old Parliament House in Canberra.  

The Academy is a networked learning hub that will connect public service knowledge, resources and experience to build the capability of the APS workforce. 

Practitioner-led learning opportunities will be provided at the Academy. There will also be a broad range of contemporary approaches and the allowance of flexible learning. 

The learning experience will be guided by a faculty of current and former APS leaders with a depth of experience and expertise in APS Craft. 

“The launch of the Academy delivers on an important element of the Government’s APS reform agenda to invest in APS capability”, Australian Public Service Commissioner Peter Woolcott AO said. 

“The Academy is a place for all APS employees to learn, develop, discuss and share.” 

The APS founded the Academy on a networked approach, with a focus on the core capabilities of excellence in public service.  

With it, the APS aims to foster an APS-wide culture of learning that builds upon public sector capabilities and driving high performance.  

The APS is focused on developing ‘APS Craft’ capabilities in the Academy by working in partnership with APS agencies and external industry experts, equipping the country’s workforce with the needed skills, tools and knowledge. 

Commissioner Woolcott also announced the release of Highly Capable, Future-Ready, the whole-of-service APS Learning and Development Strategy and Action Plan and the establishment of the inaugural APS Learning Board 

“The initiatives launched this week are important steps to future-proof the APS”, Commissioner Woolcott said. 

“In our ever-changing operating environment, the public service needs to adapt, develop, and operate as one APS in order to continue to deliver for all Australians”. 

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Eliza is a content producer and editor at Public Spectrum. She is an experienced writer on topics related to the government and to the public, as well as stories that uplift and improve the community.


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