Cyber Security News

Community to advance practical cybersecurity skills

< 1 min read
advance practical cybersecurity skills

Nearly 100 individuals gathered at Subiaco Library on Friday evening to participate in a session focused on cyber safety education.

During Scam Awareness Week, the Scams and Sushi event showcased various scams targeting Australians and offered clear steps for identifying fraud and ensuring online safety..

Facilitator Caitriona Forde, an expert in cybersecurity awareness and culture, highlighted that anyone can fall victim to a scam at any time, and it does not reflect weakness.

Participants gained clear insights on protecting themselves from digital threats during the session, which featured a Q&A opportunity with Caitriona and invigorated them with delicious sushi.

Caitriona stated, “Cyber security is a life skill. Technology is a great thing, but the reality is that there are threats we need to learn to protect ourselves from.

“I love delivering these types of workshops and helping the community.”

Susanne attended the session and remarked, “Caitriona was terrific. We are so grateful to have had this [event] and all the helpful information we received.”

Caitriona’s top three tips for better cybersecurity are: 

  • create strong, unique passphrases for every account
  • set up multi-factor authentication
  • regularly install software updates.

Subiaco Library offers a range of free events that enhance digital literacy across various subjects. 

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Justin Lavadia is a content producer and editor at Public Spectrum with a diverse writing background spanning various niches and formats. With a wealth of experience, he brings clarity and concise communication to digital content. His expertise lies in crafting engaging content and delivering impactful narratives that resonate with readers.


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