Digital Government IT

E-commerce businesses pledge to strengthen product safety online

2 min read

Four of Australia’s largest e-commerce businesses have confirmed their commitment to protecting consumers from unsafe goods online after signing on to a new product safety pledge.

The Australian Product Safety Pledge launched, is a voluntary initiative that commits its signatories to a range of safety related responsibilities that go beyond what is legally required of them. AliExpress, Amazon Australia, and eBay Australia, who together account for a significant share of online sales in Australia, are the first businesses to sign the pledge, signifying their commitment to consumers’ safety through a range of commitments such as removing unsafe product listings within two days of being notified by the ACCC.

“This new initiative is an important step forward in ensuring businesses provide consumers with a safe and trusted online shopping experience,” ACCC Deputy Chair De

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lia Rickard said.

“The already fast growing e-commerce market in Australia has accelerated even more this year, as the pandemic meant people have had to do more of their shopping from home. With the boom in online shopping, it is more important than ever for businesses to prioritise product safety,” ACCC Deputy Chair Delia said.

The pledge consists of 12 product safety commitments and three measurable performance indicators, as well as guidance to assist signatories in fulfilling their commitments.

Signatories are required to report on their product safety performance at the end of each financial year to inform an annual public report by the ACCC.

“Improving product safety online is critical to building consumer confidence and trust. E-commerce giants like the four pledge signatories can help keep Australian consumers safe by preventing the sale of unsafe goods across their businesses. We applaud these signatories for signing up to the pledge and for confirming their commitment to protecting Australian consumers. We encourage them to continue to innovate to improve product safety,” ACCC Deputy Chair Delia said.

The ACCC will be inviting other online businesses, particularly those facilitating marketplace services to sign the pledge and expects more signatories to join in subsequent years.

Online businesses that are interested in taking the pledge to strengthen their product safety policies are encouraged to visit the Product Safety Australia website for more information.


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Aiza is a journalist and content writer. She is the content producer of Public Spectrum.


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