Personal Development

Must-have skills for a successful career in the public sector

2 min read

The latest estimates done by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has shown growth in public sector employment, with over 2,100,800 people employed in the public sector as of 2021. 

With 59,600 Australians now working in the public sector compared to last year, it is clear that there is no shortage of potential candidates. As more and more people apply for positions, it’s important that one stands out from the crowd.

Here are some of the most necessary skills a public sector employee must have to achieve their goals and have a successful career.

1. Verbal and Communication skills

Having good communication skills is important if one wants to achieve their goals in their career as it can help build relationships with leaders, coworkers and other stakeholders. It can be seen as one of the most prized skills in the public sector as it allows individuals to work across boundaries with ease.

Aside from this, an employee with good communication skills can relay their thoughts effectively and influence meeting decisions. This will allow them to have better coordination and cooperation in the organisation, providing new opportunities for the employee to learn and grow. 

2. Collaboration and Diplomacy skills

With the ongoing changes within the public sector, the need to collaborate with multiple organisations has never been clearer. Similar to the previously mentioned skills, having good collaboration and diplomacy skills can help an employee work well with other public agencies or external partners.

Collaboration and diplomacy skills shouldn’t just be for other public agencies or external partners. The individual can also greatly benefit from using the skills in their own organisation by respecting the differences in job title, status and professional background with colleagues.

3. Problem-solving and critical thinking skills

Problem-solving and critical thinking are needed skills for all jobs. Yet, working in the public sector would mean sharpening one’s mind in order to face and accomplish challenging tasks. 

Employers within the public sector often require employees to explore the root cause of the problems they face by being critical enough to understand, offer and implement solutions.

These skills are often fostered in many ways in which the employee is placed in a situation where innovative thinking and comprehension is needed.

4. Resilience and Leadership skills

With public agencies changing strategies and implementing new technology, employees must be resilient and adaptable to the fast-moving environment. One must overcome difficulties and new situations, be open to change and effectively cope with pressure in order to stay afloat.

Having leadership traits can also help an employee in their workplace, as it allows the person to step up to the plate and take initiative when they have to. Those that are in a leadership position must ensure that their actions are within the organisation’s framework in order for other employees to understand the overall goal.

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Eliza is a content producer and editor at Public Spectrum. She is an experienced writer on topics related to the government and to the public, as well as stories that uplift and improve the community.


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