
New Omicron strain prompts review of international border restrictions

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New Omicron strain prompts review of international border restrictions

The new Omicron strain has popped up in NSW, prompting federal, state and territory leaders to meet up and revisit the international border restrictions. 

Last Sunday, it was confirmed that two overseas travellers have been infected with the new strain. A third case is also suspected to be in Sydney this Monday. 

Australia’s national security committee will be meeting this afternoon to review whether the country can reopen to double-dosed visa holders, skilled workers and international students. A national cabinet will also meet up to consider Australia’s response. 

Prime Minister Scott Morrison urged citizens to remain calm as there was no evidence to suggest that the new strain would lead to severe diseases. 

“If anything, it’s suggesting a lesser form of the disease, particularly for those who are vaccinated,” he said.

“Case numbers of themselves are not the issue. It’s about whether people are getting a worse illness or it’s going to put stress on your hospital system.” 

A blanket 72-hour quarantine has been required for all international travellers in Victoria, NSW and the ACT. Those who came from nine southern African countries Australia has shut its borders to is also required to undergo quarantine for 14 days. 

However, Labor’s NDIS spokesman Bill Shorten said the 72-hour quarantine system was not enough, and that there should be an effective quarantine system. 

Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly said authorities were looking closely at Omicron’s viral transmission and the efficacy of vaccines against it. 

“It does transmit from person to person quite readily, at least as well as the Delta virus. And so that means that it will spread,” he said. 

“In terms of the vaccines, there is no solid evidence at the moment that there is a problem with that. Although we will wait for further advice and laboratory studies in coming days and weeks.” 

Agriculture Minister David Littleproud stated that new variants were inevitable and that people should not panic as they would have to learn to live with the changes.

Dr Angelique Coetzee, a South African doctor who alerted authorities to the Omicron strain, stated that the strain did not appear to cause severe illness. 

Nearly 87 per cent of Australians aged 16 and older are fully vaccinated. 

With AAP

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Eliza is a content producer and editor at Public Spectrum. She is an experienced writer on topics related to the government and to the public, as well as stories that uplift and improve the community.


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