
NT expands Aboriginal Carer Services grant program to Barkly Region

2 min read
Aboriginal Carer Services

The Northern Territory Government awarded $300,000 in funding to the Julalikari Council Aboriginal Corporation for the expansion of the Aboriginal Carer Services grant program in the Barkly Region. 

The Julalikari Council Aboriginal Corporation (JCAC) was given the funding in order to deliver the Aboriginal Carer Services (ACS) grant program in eighteen months. The goal of the grant program is to find, assess and support kin and Aboriginal carers for children who have been brought into care. 

“Supporting Territory young people and their families are important to the Territory Labor Government. We want to intervene early to ensure young people stay connected to their family and identity, and are kept safe,” Minister for Territory Families and Urban Housing Kate Worden said. 

The services under the grant program will be delivered across the Barkly Region. The majority will be located in Tennant Creek where the children and carers mostly live. 

From 1 July 2021, JCAC will commence the delivery of the ‘Marlungku Wilya Nyinyiji Ki’  or ‘Family to Stay Strong’ program with the funding that was provided to them.

JCAC’s ‘Marlungku Wilya Nyinyiji Ki’ program will find kin to care for and keep Aboriginal children in care connected to culture, country and community. 

Through the program, the proportion of Aboriginal children safely placed in Aboriginal foster and kinship carers will increase. The JCAC will also increase the pool of Aboriginal carers to assist with emergency, respite and long-term placements. 

Throughout 2018-2021, the Northern Territory Government has provided more than $3 million under the Aboriginal Carer Services program. The Aboriginal organisations worked together to share knowledge, information and resources to find, assess and support Aboriginal and kinship carers. These organisations include the following:

  • Yalu Aboriginal Corporation in Galiwin’ku 
  • Northern Territory Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation across the NT 
  • Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council in the Central Desert and the tri-border region 
  • Ngurratjuta/Pmara Ntjarra Aboriginal Corporation in Central Australia 
  • Kalano Aboriginal Corporation in Katherine 
  • Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation in Darwin 
  • Tangentyere Council Aboriginal Corporation in Alice Springs. 

“Expanding Aboriginal Carer Services to the Barkly Region aims to ensure children remain safe and culturally connected, with carers who are supported and empowered through partnerships with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations,”  Minister Worden said.

“We have Aboriginal Carer Services providers and carers right across the Territory. We support our carers to make sure they can provide the nurture and guidance our children need.”

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Eliza is a content producer and editor at Public Spectrum. She is an experienced writer on topics related to the government and to the public, as well as stories that uplift and improve the community.


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