
NZ Government implements new measures for a smoke-free future

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NZ Government implements new measures for a smoke-free future

As part of the New Zealand Government’s plan to make the country smoke-free, bold new measures will be implemented such as banning the sale of cigarettes to future generations. 

This morning, Associate Minister of Health Dr Ayesha Verrall launched Auahi Kore Aotearoa Mahere Rautaki 2025, the Smokefree 2025 Action Plan at an event in Parliament. 

“This is a historic day for the health of our people,” Associate Minister Verrall said. 

“Smoking is still the leading cause of preventable death in New Zealand and causes one in four cancers. Smoking-related harm is particularly prevalent in our Māori, Pacific and low-income communities.”

Although the country’s smoking rates have decreased, Associate Minister Verrall said that the new plan’s measures will help reach the goal of Māori smoking rates to fall below 5 per cent.

“We want to make sure young people never start smoking so we will make it an offence to sell or supply smoked tobacco products to new cohorts of youth. People aged 14 when the law comes into effect will never be able to legally purchase tobacco,” Associate Minister Verrall said. 

“We are also reducing the appeal, addictiveness and availability of smoked tobacco products. New laws will mean only smoked tobacco products containing very low levels of nicotine can be sold, with a significant reduction in the number of shops that can sell them.”

The new measures will not come into effect immediately so as to allow retailers the time to transition to a new business model. 

Aside from this, practical support measures for smokers will also be prioritised under the Smokefree 2025 Action Plan. 

“We know it’s really tough to break the habit and some people who smoke will understandably need lots of support leading up to these changes taking effect,” Associate Minister Verrall said.

“Budget 2021 provided $36 million for health promotion programmes, scaling up stop smoking services and for Pacific health providers so they can tailor support for Pacific communities.” 

A Māori Advisory Taskforce will be established to help with the plan, bringing robust decision-making and leadership in order to achieve better outcomes for Māori. Its members are leaders in advancing health for Māori by offering a blend of expertise between the knowledge of tobacco control and the public health sector. 

Through evaluation, monitoring and reporting, the taskforce will ensure the Ministry of Health, Government and the tobacco control sector remain accountable for the actions in the plan. 

“I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the hard mahi of smokefree champions past and present which has helped us get to where we are now. I would also like to thank New Zealanders who have helped shape the plan by telling us what matters most to them,” Associate Minister Verrall said. 

Source: Beehive.govt.nz Media Release

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Eliza is a content producer and editor at Public Spectrum. She is an experienced writer on topics related to the government and to the public, as well as stories that uplift and improve the community.


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