
NZ Government offers shelter to Ukrainian refugees

2 min read
NZ Government offers shelter to Ukrainian refugees

The New Zealand Government is ramping up its humanitarian support for the Ukrainian refugee crisis by introducing a new 2022 Special Ukraine Policy, allowing Ukrainian-born NZ citizens and residents to bring members of their families into the country. 

With over 2 million Ukrainians fleeing the war in their country, the United Nations Refugee Agency stated that it is the fastest-growing refugee crisis in Europe since World War II. 

“This is the largest special visa category we have established in decades to support an international humanitarian effort and, alongside the additional $4 million in humanitarian funding also announced today, it adds to a number of measures we’ve already implemented to respond to the worsening situation in Ukraine,” Immigration Minister Kris Faafoi said. 

“New Zealand has moved quickly to condemn the brutal and intolerable invasion of Ukraine. Alongside other diplomatic measures, we have acted urgently to respond to Russia’s hostility by instituting travel bans, export controls, passing the Russia Sanctions Act 2022, and providing aid funding to support crucial humanitarian work.” 

The 2022 Special Ukraine Policy will be open for a year to allow the estimated 1,600 Ukrainian-born citizens and residents to sponsor parents, grandparents and adult siblings or adult children and their immediate family to shelter safely in the country. 

“It’s a two-year visa to help people escape the current conflict and to shelter here in the hope they can return home when the war ends,” Minister Faafoi said. 

“This builds on previous supports we have provided through our immigration system, which included extensions for Ukrainian nationals in New Zealand whose visas expire before the end of the year, and ensuring Ukrainian citizens holding valid New Zealand visas offshore can enter immediately without waiting for our borders to reopen.”  

Successful applicants under the 2022 Special Ukraine Policy will also be given work rights or study rights if they are 18 years old or younger. 

Eligible sponsors can now contact Immigration New Zealand (INZ), who will prioritise sponsorship requests and visa applications. Once visas are granted, visa holders will be given nine months to travel here.

Meanwhile, sponsors for the Ukrainian refugees will be responsible for the travel arrangements, accommodation and living costs for their relatives.

“INZ will quickly assess the sponsorship requests and then invite visa applications. Given the situation on the ground, applications can be completed by sponsors here and there will be a streamlined process for applicants. They will need to declare that they meet health and character requirements but documentation will not be required. No fees will be charged,” Kris Faafoi said. 

“New Zealand was one of the first countries to give humanitarian support to Ukrainians when Russia invaded, and these latest measures demonstrate New Zealand’s ongoing concern and compassionate approach over the suffering being caused to Ukrainians.”


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Eliza is a content producer and editor at Public Spectrum. She is an experienced writer on topics related to the government and to the public, as well as stories that uplift and improve the community.


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