Data Management Post Event Video Watch

Opening the data floodgates to save lives

< 1 min read
Opening the data floodgates to save lives

Opening the data floodgates is more important than ever especially that we are living in a world surrounded by free-flowing information. From businesses, to schools, organisations, and entire government systems, data access plays a crucial role in ensuring that we are able to live life as it is – safe, secure, and efficient.

In this video, ACT Monitoring & Modelling Manager Danswell Starrs demonstrates how real-time data analytics can inform operational and strategic outcomes. He discusses the importance of data analytics to improve public policy and services as well as how it can aid in the holistic transformation of public service innovation to create evidence-based decisions for public welfare.

Starrs emphasises the need to leverage on technology, specifically data management, to avoid natural calamities and reduce the impact of climate change such as flash floods. Through this, government agencies can improve public safety and create a safer environment for its citisens.

In his talk, Starrs answers the questions, What are the best data sources to make decisions? What is the government doing to improve water quality and data access? What is the long-term forecast implications of this system?

Find out the answer to these questions by downloading Danswell Starrs talk at the Aus Government Data Summit 2021 by filling out the form below.

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After four years in business school and working for multinational clients, Jomar believes he can improve the world through his writings via Public Spectrum, by informing the public on the latest news and updates happening around the government and society. Jomar has eight years experience as a writer and has a degree in Business Administration and Entrepreneurial Marketing.


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