Local Government

Regional Victoria to ease lockdown restrictions tonight

2 min read
regional Victoria

Following the advice of Victoria’s Chief Health Officer, lockdown restrictions will be eased in regional Victoria tonight. 

As the Victorian Government’s contact traces continue to track down coronavirus cases all over the state, the restrictions created by the seven-day circuit breaker will be removed in regional Victoria at 11:59 pm 3 June 2021. 

“Because of the incredible work of our public health teams and the Victorian community in slowing the spread of this virus, we’re now able to ease restrictions in regional Victoria,” Acting Premier James Merlino said. 

There will no longer be a limit on the distance regional Victorians can travel from home. However, travel to Melbourne will only be allowed if there is a permitted reason.  

Regional Victorians will still be expected to follow Melbourne’s lockdown restrictions once there. 

The Government has also stated that outdoor gatherings can occur with only up to 10 people. Infants under 12 months are not included in this expected capacity and home visits are still not allowed. 

The food and hospitality establishments will be open for seated service only with a cap of 50 people per venue. These establishments are subject to density requirements of 1 person per 4sqm.

Retails are also allowed to open and personal services such as beauty and tattooing can resume so long as masks can remain on. 

Religious gatherings and ceremonies are permitted with a capacity of 50 attendees and a faith leader. Meanwhile, the gathering limits for weddings will be 10 people and funerals will be up to 50 mourners. 

Junior outdoor community sport will be allowed to return and adults can now resume training and recreation outdoors. Outdoor pools can only operate with a limit of 50 people with the same density requirements as food and hospitality establishments.

Seated and unseated outdoor entertainment will have a capacity of 50 people or 50 per cent of the venue’s seated capacity. 

The Victorian Government is making sure that the virus does not travel to the state’s regions so the seven-day circuit breaker restrictions will still remain in place in metropolitan Melbourne.

The Service Victoria QR requirements are also being expanded, making it mandatory to check in to retail settings across the state. Australians must now check in whenever they attend a venue as the minimum of 15 minutes will no longer apply. 

Regional Victorians are asked to continue COVIDSafe behaviours despite the ease of lockdown restrictions. Minister for Health Martin Foley requests Victorians to get vaccinated once eligible as it is the state’s only ticket out of the pandemic.

“This outbreak is an important reminder that while Commonwealth’s vaccine program continues to rollout, we are still living with this virus and we cannot afford any complacency to creep in – we must stay safe to stay open,” Acting Premier Merlino said 

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Eliza is a content producer and editor at Public Spectrum. She is an experienced writer on topics related to the government and to the public, as well as stories that uplift and improve the community.


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