Cyber Security News

AFP mentors next cybersecurity experts

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Next Cybersecurity Experts

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) takes proactive steps to influence the future of cybersecurity within the public sector through its forward-thinking Genius Armoury Programme, which mentors neurodivergent individuals and provides them with vital skills to safeguard critical cyber infrastructure. The AFP initiated this six-month traineeship in partnership with Untapped Talent to leverage the distinctive strengths of neurodivergent individuals, including superior memory, meticulous attention to detail, and strong analytical thinking, all of which are key for roles in cybersecurity.

The Australian Government’s Cyber Security Skills Partnership Innovation Fund backs the initiative, which aims to tackle the increasing need for skilled cybersecurity experts in law enforcement by providing practical experience and tailored mentorship. 

Jamie King, Chief Information Security Officer at AFP, stated, “The Genius Armory program is another opportunity for neurodivergent individuals to explore careers with the AFP while being offered instrumental support and care to develop and succeed in the workplace.” This initiative enhances the professional environment for participants and bolsters the AFP’s ability to protect national cyber systems.

The selection committee chose four candidates from an initial pool of 16 to participate in the programme, with some moving to Canberra to fully engage with the opportunity. Participants aged 19 to 41 represent a variety of educational backgrounds, including high school graduates and individuals engaged in tertiary education. In June 2024, these trainees began their pre-training and collaborated closely with the AFP’s Dandelion Programme Team, a targeted recruitment initiative focused on incorporating neurodivergent talent into the workforce.

The training programme integrates participants into the AFP’s Cyber Security and Risk Branch, where they play a vital role in essential activities including monitoring, incident response, threat intelligence, and risk assessment for both new and existing systems. Seasoned members such as Marcus Gellel, Maggie O’Connell, and Ryan Gasnier guide the mentoring component, which is essential in helping trainees adjust to the AFP’s work environment. 

“It is a good experience to be able to help guide others through the same process I went through,” stated Marcus Gellel, highlighting the importance of mentorship in fostering a supportive transition for newcomers.

This insightful investment directs the next generation, empowers individuals, and strengthens the AFP’s preparedness against emerging cyber threats. The AFP expands its cyber talent pool with initiatives such as the Genius Armoury Programme, establishing a model for public sector agencies to embrace inclusive strategies that harness varied cognitive strengths to enhance national cybersecurity resilience. These initiatives have wider implications that go beyond personal career advancement; they play a key part in strengthening Australia’s digital infrastructure defence strategy.

The AFP fosters a pipeline of adept cybersecurity professionals through customised mentorship and hands-on training, equipping individuals for future careers and strengthening the public sector’s ability to effectively address cyber risks. This strategy demonstrates a progressive dedication to enhancing workforce diversity and ensuring national security, establishing the AFP as a frontrunner in developing future cybersecurity professionals.

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Justin Lavadia is a content producer and editor at Public Spectrum with a diverse writing background spanning various niches and formats. With a wealth of experience, he brings clarity and concise communication to digital content. His expertise lies in crafting engaging content and delivering impactful narratives that resonate with readers.


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