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Australia’s first Online Safety Youth Advisory Council established

2 min read
Australia’s first Online Safety Youth Advisory Council established

In order to make the online world safer and hold the social media giants to account, the Australian Government will be establishing Australia’s first Online Safety Youth Advisory Council. 

The Council is expected to be made up of 20 young Australians between the ages of 13 to 24 years, who will be drawn from a wide range of backgrounds and circumstances to provide a representative voice to the Australian Government on the challenges and solutions to online safety issues that impact young people. 

The members will participate in a range of forums examining online safety issues such as bullying and harassment, mental health, privacy, the impact of algorithms and unwanted contact from strangers.

They will then provide recommendations for further action that can be taken by all players, including industry, government and regulators like eSafety. 

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the Online Safety Youth Advisory Council would provide young Australians with a voice in the development of online safety policy. 

“This is something that so many parents, and indeed decision-makers, don’t always understand because we haven’t lived this experience as they have. This is why there is no one better placed to tell us what needs to change and how than this generation of young Australians,” the Prime Minister said.

“This is the next step my Government is taking to keep Australians, especially young Australians, safe online. The rules that exist in real life, must apply in the online world too. We will hold big tech and social media giants to account.” 

Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts Paul Fletcher said that they have been listening closely to parents, carers, teachers and the youth since the establishment of the eSafety Commissioner in 2015.

“Since 2015, eSafety has been able to help 3,391 children and their families with cyberbullying complaints. The Online Safety Youth Advisory Council will enable us to continue to draw upon the lived experience of our youth, to help develop policy and make the internet a safer place for all Australians,” Minister Fletcher said. 

Assistant Minister for Youth and Employment Services Luke Howarth said it was important to continue the work of the recently launched Youth Policy Framework, where young people have a greater say in what matters to them most and can speak directly to decision-makers on the issues that affect them. 

“The Online Safety Youth Advisory Council is an opportunity to hear from young people on how they can keep themselves and their mates safe online,” Assistant Minister Howarth said. 

The establishment of the Youth Advisory Council follows the Australian Government’s parliamentary inquiry on big tech and social media giants, the passage of new and strengthened protections through the Online Safety Act 2021, and the release of the draft Social Media (Anti-Trolling) Bill. 

The nomination and selection for the Youth Advisory Council are expected to commence in early 2022 with the help of eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant.

Source: Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts Media Release

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Eliza is a content producer and editor at Public Spectrum. She is an experienced writer on topics related to the government and to the public, as well as stories that uplift and improve the community.


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