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Victoria offers air conditioning discounts

3 min read
Air Conditioning Discounts

The Victorian government has introduced a significant initiative that promotes energy efficiency and sustainability.

The 2024 Air Conditioning Discount Programme encourages residents and businesses to replace old, inefficient air conditioning systems with modern, energy-efficient models. The discount programme is part of the broader Victorian Energy Upgrades Programme.

The scheme helps households and commercial entities purchase split-system air conditioners and other energy-efficient heating and cooling technologies.

The initiative’s primary objective is a reduction in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, thereby helping Victoria move towards a more sustainable future.

Victorian homeowners, tenants, and business operators are eligible for the discount if they replace their old air conditioning systems with newer, more efficient models. Key requirements to participate in the Air Conditioning Discount program include: 

  • The air conditioning product must be listed on the VEU program registry.
  • The property must be at least 2 years old.
  • The home or business must be located in Victoria.
  • Applicants must not have claimed a VEU air conditioning upgrade in the last two years.
  • Applicants must be replacing an existing inefficient system.

The Victorian government offers a range of discounts on energy-efficient air conditioning systems. While the discounts are not full subsidies, they significantly reduce the cost of purchasing and installing eligible units.

The exact discount amount depends on the type, model, and size of the air conditioning system installed. However, on average, households that upgrade to energy-efficient air conditioners save between $120 and $1,100 in annual energy costs. These savings offset the initial investment over time, making the upgrade economically viable for practically anyone.

Applying for the Victoria Air Conditioning Rebate is a straightforward process. Applicants must verify their intended purchase is eligible under the VEU program. Then they need to contact an accredited provider authorised to perform installations under the VEU.

The provider will assess the applicant’s needs, recommend eligible products, and handle the administrative aspects of the application, including filing necessary documents. The seamless process makes sure participants can easily take advantage of the discount.

The AirCon discount programme includes a variety of reputable brands and manufacturers, so participants can access high-quality and energy-efficient options suited to their unique

situations.  Brands like Daikin, Mitsubishi Electric, and Fujitsu are known for their high-quality models that qualify for discounts and rebates.

The Victorian Air Conditioning Discount offers a variety of advantages beyond upfront cost savings. Participants enjoy lower energy bills, increased property values, reduced carbon footprints, improved indoor air quality, and more comfortable living and working environments.

In addition to its primary benefits, the discount program provides a variety of additional services and offers, including:

  • Comprehensive energy assessments identify the most beneficial upgrades. These assessments help pinpoint the best improvements for maximising energy efficiency and savings.
  • Professional installation services are provided by accredited providers. Accredited professionals ensure that installations are done correctly and meet all regulatory standards.
  • Ongoing maintenance and support keep systems running efficiently. Regular maintenance services are provided to extend the life of your system and maintain optimal performance.
  • Special offers are available for related energy-efficient solutions. Participants can take advantage of discounts on other energy-saving products, like hot water systems and insulation.
  • Flexible financing options make upgrades more accessible. Various financing plans are available to help spread the cost of upgrades over time, making them more affordable.

Installing an efficient air conditioner will save money and reduce emissions, but participants can take steps to maximize the benefits. To fully benefit from energy-efficient air conditioning systems, participants should:

  • Schedule regular maintenance checks. Routine maintenance helps keep your system running efficiently and can prevent costly repairs.
  • Ensure proper installation by certified professionals. Proper installation is crucial for the system’s performance and longevity.
  • Invest in smart thermostats for better control. Smart thermostats allow for more precise temperature control, improving comfort and energy savings.
  • Improve insulation and seal leaks in their homes. Enhancing insulation and sealing leaks prevents cool air from escaping, boosting your system’s efficiency.
  • Set optimal temperature settings for comfort and efficiency. Keeping your thermostat at an energy-efficient temperature can reduce energy consumption and costs.

Victorians are encouraged to schedule a free consultation with an approved provider like Efficient Energy Group. They can then learn more about how to benefit from the air conditioning discount and other energy-efficient solutions. The consultation can also help identify the best products and services to maximise energy savings.

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